Who are we? [Little old us??]

We are FACTIONED! … a multidisciplinary design / build firm - which is just fancy language for ‘we like to mix it up.' Our projects include but are not limited to complete interior + exterior environments, large scale feature installations, custom lighting elements, sculptures, furniture and any number of other requests from our clients.

We provide a wide range of services and tailor our skills to fit the specific needs of a project. Our team is adaptable but most importantly, collaborative. We understand the process of design is a complex, living, breathing beast. Factioned is only one part of that equation. We strive to help our clients and other design professionals reach our collective goal. As you’ll see our project types are a wee bit varied (we’d insert a winky emoji here but Gen Z is so over it) and we pride ourselves on being able to tackle anything thrown our way. Ok fine, maybe we can't ‘do-it-all’ … but we probably know a person(s) who does! And we’ll do our darnedest to bring them into the fold.

Our backgrounds reflect our philosophy of inclusion + variation; architecture, interior design, industrial design, graphic design, photography, painting and sculpture. We even have a former thespian and current magician on staff. Never know when that’ll come in handy. Our team has extensive custom fabrication and construction experience giving us the foresight to design executable projects MAGICALLY.

We’re located in Sunset Park, Brooklyn at Industry City. Oh AND we recently opened a satellite studio in Beacon, NY.

Mug Shots.

Our fearless leader, Jared hails from Columbus, Ohio. Home of THE Ohio State Buckeyes. After beginning his undergraduate adventure at Pratt Institute as a Fine Arts major in Painting, Jared was introduced to Industrial Design. He quickly realized this was where it’s AT. After graduating from Pratt and working in his field for several years, he went back to school to THE Ohio State University for a Master’s Degree in Architecture. Jared’s favorite things include organized workspaces, directing designs, sushi, and The Ohio State Buckeyes. His hobbies include running, making STELLAR smoothies and Ohio State Football. Anyone sense a theme here?


Jared Lairmore / Design Director

August is from St. Louis, Missouri. To be honest, he’s from St. Clair, Missouri, but who really knows where that is? Uhh….so anyway, August went to the University of Missouri, or Mizzou as Missourians call it, and earned a degree in Interior Architecture. He decided instead of heading straight into the design field, he’d experiment a bit in finance. So he spent some time soaking it up as a bank teller. After getting that out of his system, he packed his bindle stick and headed straight for Brooklyn, NY never to look back. Amongst many other talents, August is our resident photographer so you can thank him for all the beautiful images on this website. His hobbies include organizing his area, making things more complicated than they need to be, photography, and taking an extremely long time to find amazing timesaving shortcuts on Adobe programs. We’d say it only adds 50% more time to his daily tasks, but it will save 90% NEXT TIME!!


August King / Senior Designer

Dan is from Brooklyn, New York. He didn’t stray far from home. He DID, however, attend University in London so BAM!! He received a degree in Three Dimensional Design from Camberwell College of Arts. In addition to his career in design, Dan has had a small but very successful career in commercial acting without trying, like, at all. He got this Dove commercial when he was living in Europe just because some lady liked his face, and then he was recently in a NASCAR commercial because he figured out how to turn Kevin Harvick’s race cars into commemorative beer cans. His fame doesn't get in the way of his work here at Factioned though.

*We’ve received fan mail inquiring about a conspiracy regarding the connection between Dale and Dan. Rest assured there is no connection and absolutely no family relation, like at all.*

Dan McMahon / Industrial Designer


Max is our token Canadian…SORE-y but it’s true. Max is also our resident fabrication and restoration expert. This sort of work takes a level of minutia beyond imagination. Ask this guy to write a two sentence email though…well, just don’t ask him. Max hails from a little Victorian Town of no consequence (his words, not ours) called Port Hope in Ontario, Canada. Max attended Nova Scotia College of Art & Design + Western Michigan where he received not one but two useless degree in Fine Arts. Ironically, both degrees turned out to be completely non-useless as Max carved out the most specialized of specialized careers for himself. Besides being mad talented and a genius, Max’s hobbies include taking grainy pictures of job sites with his iPhone 4, and EXPERT story telling. You’ll traverse 6 foreign countries, meander through 3 decades of experiences and you’ll have no idea where the story is going or how it relates to the subject at hand, but he’ll always land the plane in the most unexpected of ways. Thank you Max for all of the epic journeys through your colorful past, and really pushing the boundaries of the iPhone. Who needs a laptop anyway?!

Max Newroth / Master Fabricator


Jackie Guido / Associate Design Director

This is Jackie. We are SO excited to welcome Jackie Guido back into the fold. She took a sabbatical from our team from 2016 - 2023 and absolutely rocked it as the Senior Store Designer at Rag ‘n Bone (even if she was jealously spying on us from the R+B shop space at Industry City), and lest we forget that she was on the team that designed and fabricated the “Mother” puppet for the movie Wendy. She couldn’t stay away forever though, and we finally snagged her! Lucky us because this woman Gets. $h!t. Done. How does she do it? Jackie makes lists. Her lists have lists. Lists that would make the faint of heart’s heart skip a beat. This JACK of all trades (see what we did there?) earned a degree in Industrial Design from the Rhode Island School of Art and Design, but she has expanded her expertise far beyond this all-encompassing skill set to include lighting design, art, interior architecture, furniture fabrication, and let’s not forget how she built that sweet puppet. We’re so glad to have you back, Jack!!!

Carson is from Columbus, Ohio. Yes, Jared and Carson were BFFs growing up and their friendship is going strong all these years later. Awwwwwww!! Carson earned his undergraduate degree from Fordham University in Accounting & Economics, and studied toward his MBA in Finance at THE Ohio State University. Based on his degree, you could assume Carson likes numbers. All sorts of numbers. Equations, invoices, pricing work sheets, any work sheet really, percentages, square roots, long division, graphs…you get the gist. His hobbies include running, and forcing everyone within a 10’ radius to watch videos of his kids.


Carson Peterson / CFO

Sara is from St. Louis, Missouri. She went to Indiana University for an Undergraduate Degree in Theatre and Drama. Yes, you read that correctly. After a semi successful career in theatre in NYC, she decided that being judged on a daily basis for her looks and weight is wickety wack, so she made a change and POOF!! In a magic cloud of dust, she ended up at Factioned as the Director of Sales & Marketing. That easy. Sara enjoys fresh vegetables, the great outdoors, and of course sales…oh and marketing. Wanna work with us?


Sara Dobbs / Director of Sales + Marketing

Tony comes to us from the small but proud town of Wauseon, Ohio. It's just west of Toledo, or somewhere in the middle of the country for those from the Coasts. He attended Kent State University where he attained a B.S. in Architecture and Environmental Design. After that he then went on to Yale and picked up a plain old Masters in Architecture. Who doesn't have one of those nowadays? He is a bit of a mystery to us here. Beyond working in the construction, fabrication, development and architectural phases of projects, he seems to enjoy the simple things in the office: sharpening tools in the shop, trolling documents for better graphic standards, and looking for the best fast-food deals at lunch. Curious, but not unappreciated. Who doesn't like sharp blades, crisp drawings, and 2 for 1 cheeseburgers?


Tony Gase / Architectural Designer

This is Daniel.  Daniel was unfortunate enough to join Factioned during the writer’s strike, so we asked ChatGPT to create a “poetic and intriguing” bio based on Daniel’s past endeavors.  The result is magnificent and accurate.  

From Clay to Computing: Daniel's Artistic Odyssey

In the kaleidoscope of Daniel's life, creativity has been the constant thread, weaving through his journey like a vibrant tapestry. From the tactile world of ceramics to the virtual realm of computational design, Daniel's story is a testament to the harmonious blend of artistry and technology.

The Potter’s Odyssey: A Hands-on Beginning

Daniel's artistic expedition commenced in the world of ceramics, where his hands molded clay into forms that transcended the mundane. Screen printing and sewing became extensions of his creative repertoire, and he transformed these tangible expressions of art into sellable commodities at tables set up wherever an audience could be found.

While studying textile futures at San Francisco State University, Daniel delved into the intricacies of fabric and thread, exploring the potential of textiles beyond conventional boundaries. Little did he know that this seemingly disparate skill set would form the foundation for the multidimensional artist he would become.

Metal, Concrete, and a Global Canvas

Daniel's journey took a detour into the realms of metal and concrete fabrication, proving that his creativity wasn't confined to the delicate touch of ceramics. His hands, once accustomed to the pliancy of clay, learned to navigate the rugged landscapes of metalworking and the solidity of concrete.

As a full-time artist working internationally, Daniel's portfolio became a passport to cultural exchange. His creations spoke a universal language that resonated with people across borders. Yet, amidst the global art scene, a desire sprouted — a yearning to not just sculpt but to construct, to build the very things he envisioned.

Crafting Dreams in Construction

In pursuit of this aspiration, Daniel traded his artist's palette for a construction toolkit. A series of construction jobs in Los Angeles laid the groundwork for a solid building skill set. High-end construction management in San Francisco became his canvas, and buildings, his new sculptures.

Simultaneously, Daniel took on the role of an adjunct professor at San Francisco State University, imparting his knowledge in a course on murals and public art. His classroom became a sanctuary where the seeds of creativity were sown in the minds of aspiring artists.

The Chance Encounter with Factioned: A Perfect Fusion

The path to Factioned, the firm that seamlessly integrated all facets of Daniel's eclectic past, was serendipitous. As if guided by fate, Daniel found a place where his skills in ceramics, screen printing, sewing, metal and concrete fabrication, teaching, and construction seamlessly converged.

Factioned, with its heartbeat syncing with Daniel's creative rhythm, provided the ideal platform for him to explore new technology, products, and creative building. It wasn’t just a job; it was the realization of a pipe dream that seemed too good to be true.

In the hallowed halls of Factioned, Daniel doesn’t just work; he creates symphonies with pixels and plasters, code and concrete. The fusion of his diverse skill set finds a home in a firm that not only appreciates but celebrates the marriage of art and technology.

As Factioned’s wizard behind the screen, Daniel continues to sculpt his dreams, bridging the gap between the tangible and the virtual, the ancient and the futuristic. In this creative haven, where the past meets the present, Daniel's journey unfolds, a testament to the magic that happens when passion and profession dance in perfect harmony.

Daniel Velasquez / Designer


In Memory of Chunk/Lover

This was Chunkie. Chunkie was a dog. Chunkie liked food and hugs. Chunkie didn’t know where Chunk was from but Chunkie LOVED EVERYONE!!!!

Maybe just go arcade on it.

Wanna hang out with us?  We’re really fun.  We think.

There is a deep love and respect for one another at Factioned . . . except on the go-kart track.  EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD FOR THEMSELVES!!